The Solar Mobility Hub and Solar LED Lighting Manufacturer and Installer

Mesa Creek HOA

Energy and Carbon Emission Savings as of June 30, 2022

Energy Saving: 3,314 kW of Energy Consumption Saved
Carbon saving: 2.36 Metric Tons Saved from being released to the Atmosphere

Mesa Creek has two large pavilions located inside their gated community park area. Previously the area underneath the pavilions had minimal to no lighting at all making it difficult for homeowners to be able to use the pavilion property for events at night.

SAT Energy provided a solar lighting solution of using sets of the Series P1 Solar LED Lights that could be placed underneath the pavilion to illuminate the area yet still be able to recharge via solar power. The solar panels were installed at the top of the roofs and the cables easily extended to each of the LED light fixtures. Without requiring any other utility power, the HOA is now able to use the pavilions at night without any additional energy costs.

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