The Solar Mobility Hub and Solar LED Lighting Manufacturer and Installer

Buffalo Crossing

Energy and Carbon Emission Savings as of June 30, 2022

Energy Saving: 3,499 kW of Energy Consumption Saved
Carbon saving: 2.49 Metric Tons Saved from being released to the Atmosphere

The Cibolo HOA community of Buffalo Crossing has several mailbox pods scattered throughout the neighborhood subdivision. When the evening would get darker, each of the mailbox pods would be without any outdoor lighting source making it relatively difficult for homeowners to access their mailbox without using their phone light.

SAT Energy provided a solar lighting solution to properly illuminate each of the individual mailbox pods with an off-grid solar powered LED light fixture. The solar light fixture brightens up the mailbox area without disturbing nearby homeowners while also saving the subdivision on any energy costs that might have occurred with traditional wired electrical lighting. 

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