The Solar Mobility Hub and Solar LED Lighting Manufacturer and Installer

WoodBridge HOA Monument Sign

Energy and Carbon Emission Savings as of June 30, 2022

Energy Saving: 1,779 kW Stop consuming from CPS
Carbon saving: 1.27 Metric Tons Stop releasing to the Atmosphere

The Woodbridge HOA community has a monument sign at the entrance of their subdivision which previously had no lighting for the sign. The HOA was wanting to light up the monument so that drivers will be able to notice and see the name Woodbridge as they drove by to enter the neighborhood. 

SAT Energy installed two Series P2 solar LED light fixtures on either side of the monument to properly light up the sign. Without the need to connect to any electrical grid nor conduct vast hours of digging, the solar light fixtures are able to light up the sign and save the community on their energy costs to do so.

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